Jun. Prof. Nicole Altvater-Mackensen: Publikationen

Selected publications

A list of publications can be found here.


Hosemann, J., Mani, N., Herrmann, A., Steinbach, M. & Altvater-Mackensen, N. (2020). Signs activate their written word translation: an ERP study on cross-modal co-activation in German Sign Language. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 5, 57.

Altvater-Mackensen, N. & T. Grossmann (2018). Modality-independent recruitment of inferior frontal cortex during speech processing in human infants. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 34, 130-138.

Altvater-Mackensen, N., Jessen, S. & T. Grossmann (2017). Brain responses reveal that face identity discrimination is affected by statistical learning from distributional information in infants. Developmental Science, 20, e12393.

Missana, M., Altvater-Mackensen, N. & T. Grossmann (2017). Neural correlates of infants’ sensitivity to vocal expressions of peers. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 26, 39-44.

Altvater-Mackensen, N., Mani, N. & T. Grossmann (2016). Audiovisual speech perception in infancy: The influence of vowel identity and productive abilities on infants' sensitivity to (mis)matches between auditory and visual speech cues. Developmental Psychology, 52, 191-204.

Altvater-Mackensen, N. & T. Grossmann (2016). The role of left inferior frontal cortex during audiovisual speech perception in infants. NeuroImage, 133, 14-20.

Schreiner, M., Altvater-Mackensen, N. & N. Mani (2016). Impact of extended exposure on infants' segmentation of words from infant- and adult-directed speech. Infancy, 21, 625-647.

Altvater-Mackensen, N. & T. Grossmann (2015). Learning to match auditory and visual speech cues: Social influences on the acquisition of phonological categories. Child Development 86, 362-378.

Altvater-Mackensen, N. & P. Fikkert (2015). A cross-linguistic perspective on the acquisition of Manner of Articulation contrasts in the productions of Dutch and German children. Language Acquisition 22, 2-39.

Altvater-Mackensen, N., Van der Feest, S. & P. Fikkert (2014). Asymmetries in children’s early word recognition: The case of stops and fricatives. Language Learning & Development, 10, 149-178.

Altvater-Mackensen, N. & N. Mani (2013). Word-form familiarity bootstraps infant speech segmentation. Developmental Science, 16, 980-990.

Altvater-Mackensen, N. & P. Fikkert (2010). The acquisition of the stop-fricative contrast in perception and production. Lingua 120, 1898-1909.